Disparity Film

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Officers & Members

We would like to recognise the support of 44 thoughtful parliamentarians who have joined the APPG for Aid Match, and who care about delivering more direct aid to those who are battling desperate poverty, while achieving better aid value for taxpayers’ money.

First registered in January 2023, the APPG for Aid Match is one of the fastest growing APPGs. Irrespective of one’s foreign aid ideology or the total size of ODA, this APPG unites its supporters around one fundamental ideal; aid could be targeted better by scaling up matched funding for effective frontline NGOs.

Alex Sobel MP

Former Shadow Minister for Nature Recovery and the Domestic Environment


Lord Bruce of Bennachie
Liberal Democrats

Former International Development Committee Chair


Chris Law MP
Scottish National Party

International Development Committee, Sub-Committee on the Work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact Member 

Lord Northbrook

Fortune Forum Charity Trustee


Lord Alton of Liverpool

International Relations and Defence Committee Member 

Lord Browne of Ladyton

Former Secretary of State for Defence,  AI in Weapon Systems Committee Member 

Lord Desai

Professor Emeritus of the London School of Economics


Baroness Gohir OBE

Women’s Rights Champion, Procedure and Privileges Committee Member

Lord Londesborough

Entrepreneur with Trade and Investment Expertise on Developing Countries

Lord Randall of Uxbridge

Human Trafficking Foundation Trustee and Vice-Chair

Lord Shinkwin

Disability Campaigner, Former Equality and Human Rights Commissioner


Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top

Integration of Primary and Community Care Committee Member

Lord Bailey of Paddington

Built Environment Committee Member, Youth & Community Campaigner

Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle
Green Party

Social Justice Campaigner with Environmental Expertise

Baroness Browning

Former Minister of State for Home Office

Lord Collins of Highbury

Shadow Spokesperson for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs & International Development,
Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Lords

Baroness Cox

Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) – Founder and CEO

Lord Crisp

Global Health and International Development Expertise

David Mundell MP

International Development Committee Member

Lord Faulks

Former Minister of State for Justice

Richard Foord MP
Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Defence

Preet Kaur Gill MP

Former Shadow Secretary of State for International Development

Lord Gold

Former International Agreements Committee Member

Fabian Hamilton MP

Former Shadow Minister for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

Lord Hannay of Chiswick

Former Ambassador to United Nations, Global Security and Non-Proliferation Expert

Lord Hastings of Scarisbrick CBE

Former Commissioner for Racial Equality

Lord Herbert CBE

Global Tuberculosis & LGBTQ+ Campaigner

Lord Hussain
Liberal Democrats

Asia Regional & Islamic Affairs Expertise

Lord Khan of Burnley

Shadow Spokesperson for Levelling Up, Housing, Communities and Local Government

Baroness Kidron OBE

Draft Online Safety Bill Joint Committee Member

Lord McNally
Liberal Democrat

Former Minister of State for Ministry of Justice

Lord Newby OBE
Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat Leader in the House of Lords

Lord Oates
Liberal Democrat

Democrat Former Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson for Energy and Climate Change

Lord Parekh

Former Commissioner for Racial Equality 

Baroness Prashar CBE

Justice and Home Affairs Committee Member

Lord Rennard
Liberal Democrats

Former Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee Member

Lord Sahota

Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments Member

Lord Taylor of Goss Moor
Liberal Democrats

Former Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Environment

Lord Trees

Animal Welfare and Global Health (for humans and animals) Expertise

Lord Tyrie

Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards Member & Extraordinary Rendition Campaigner

Lord Watts

International Agreements Committee Member

Baroness Wheatcroft

Former Finance Bill Sub-Committee Member

Sir Gavin Williamson MP

Former Secretary of State

Baroness Young of Hornsey

Former Sexual Violence in Conflict Committee Member

The wider the base of parliamentarians, the more we can convincingly argue for more concrete and cost-effective aid, helping to widen the ‘good aid’ camp.

CHOOSE YOUR LEVEL OF SUPPORT varying from ‘low maintenance’ solidarity to engaged leadership. In order to keep APPG meetings to a useful minimum, our strategy is to interact with powerful parliamentary activities outside of somewhat inconvenient meetings. You are the eyes and ears of the Group!

Member No obligatory APPG meeting attendance, this is voluntary. As member you are endorsing the Group’s aim of calling on Government to ‘Scale up aid matching programmes, notably UK Aid Match’. You would be gently notified of upcoming relevant parliamentary activities – joining as per your inclination/convenience.

Super-member Active member and/or member who enlists one more Parliamentarian at any level, this is a high impact action to create a critical mass of support.

Vice-Chair As Vice-Chair you seek to participate in ad hoc meetings to help form the quorate, diary permitting, and thereby guide the Group’s strategy. You would be gently requested to join relevant parliamentary activities and/or initiate various parliamentary actions.

Co-Chair As a development expert, same expectations as Vice-Chair but sharing the chair role to help achieve cross party leadership, as well as providing compliance support by way of liaising with the various parliamentary offices. The Secretariat shall undertake all administration, plan and coordinate parliamentary actions.