International aid flows mainly from government to government, global financial institutions and multi-lateral agencies largely viewed as bureaucratic channels with little money being spent through effective NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations). In 2013 NGOs/charities received only 11.6% of Governments Aid budgets. Disparity film interviewees explores the role of NGOs within the Foreign aid architecture and who advocate for increasing NGO funding. Real Aid is calling on Governments to allocate, from existing Aid budgets, at least 10% for matching NGO appeals. This would nearly DOUBLE Global Government Aid to overseas NGOs and Agencies’ projects AND would boost private giving to overseas aid.
Ultimately, the Real Aid Campaign represents the charity supporter and their voice; how they can be empowered to influence Government expenditure to boost the work of their favourite charities. Real Aid delivers aid more directly and more efficiently to NGO programmes on the ground.

A lack of media freedom and a lack of investment in investigative reporting leave journalists without the tools to fulfil their mission. The IFJ ‘Media Development Portal’ is a platform for civil society members to post news stories on the challenges facing their organisations in developing nations – and for journalists to find the stories, the under-reported stories. Instead of a top down approach it will promote a bottom up initiative to enable civil society organisations from across the world to post ideas, solutions and case studies and media opportunities to enable participating IFJ journalists worldwide to report on a wider array of the many developmental challenges faced by communities and civil society organisations in their struggle to empower the world’s poorest and overcome poverty.
IFJ Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Dear said ‘This new portal will help media document and fill the gap in the field of development, enabling journalists to play a key role in helping to build a more convincing case for aid policy reform and promoting transparency and accountability. Billions are poured in to aid yet globally disparity and poverty are on the rise. It’s time for media to bring change in the narrative on global aid.’
Real Aid Campaign Founder Mehta said ‘Real Aid goes hand in hand with a free and vibrant media. When we hear about corruption and scandals that hold governments to account, we can overlook the fact that journalists are the ones who investigate these truths often under terrible repressive conditions in order to break the news, so I think it’s important to recognise that by protecting media freedoms we are enabling the journalists, to advance all freedoms for all peoples. So this is an important alliance to uncover aid injustices and inequalities.’
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